Call for DEI Scholarship

We are pleased to announce the CP 2024 DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) programme, which includes scholarship and mentoring to support the participation and networking of the underrepresented early-career researchers, as well as a special event during the conference to raise awareness.


While the special event is open to all the conference participants, the scholarship and mentoring are intended for early-career researchers (with a maximum of 8 active years since their PhD) who have historically been underrepresented, for instance in terms of geographical region, cultural background, gender identity, and disability. Applicants may be new to the CP community or already have experience in the field. Applicants with experience in other related fields who would like to learn more about CP are also welcome to apply. ACP membership is not required but strongly recommended.


The scholarship includes a conference-fee waiver. An additional small amount of travel funding could be offered for applicants who would not be able to attend the conference otherwise. Note that this amount is likely to vary by scholar.


Applicants will be paired with a mentor from the CP community who is attending the conference. The mentor will meet the applicant during the conference to discuss the applicant's research, give career advice, and help networking.


Please complete this form. The deadline is Sunday, July 7th, 2024.

The application must include:

  • A short CV of up to 2 pages.
  • A short statement (up to 500 words) describing: (a) how attending CP2024 will help further their career goals, and (b) why diversity, equity, and inclusion in the CP field are important to them.
  • A short paper of up to 8 pages (references excluded) with suitable keywords. This could be a summary of an original completed research work or the description of an ongoing research project. The submission format is the same as that of the main conference. That is, the authors should adhere to the LIPIcs guidelines.
All attachments should be in PDF format.

Other Information

Questions? Please contact CP 2024 DEI Chairs Özgür Akgün and Andreína Francisco.

Interested in sponsoring the DEI scholarships? Please contact CP 2024 Conference Chairs Miquel Bofill and Mateu Villaret.